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Scitec Plant Protein a 100% Pisane pea protein isolate

scitec plant protein

Scitec Nutrition has started releasing details of the supplements in its Salon Mondial revealed Green Series. In this post we’re going to go over the protein powder from the line, simply titled 100% Plant Protein. While we are used to seeing blends of protein sources in these types of products, Scitec has actually only packed its plant protein with the one.

The Green Series Plant Protein is in fact a 100% Pisane pea protein isolate formula. For those that haven’t come across Pisane before, it’s a Belgian brand of pea isolate made entirely from locally grown yellow peas. The pea isolate gives the Scitec plant protein a nutrition breakdown of 21g of protein, 1.5g of carbohydrates (1.4g sugar), 1.3g of fat (0.7g saturated), and a total of 102 calories.

When it comes to options for this one, Scitec hasn’t put together its usual wide variety. 100% Plant Protein only comes in the one flavor Chocolate Praline, which also only comes in the one size with a 30 serving 900g tub. For more information on the supplement be sure to check out the brand’s website, and expect to see the Scitec plant protein in stores soon.

Scitec Plant Protein

scitec plant protein

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