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FitJoy protein bars arriving at GNC in exactly three days time


If you’ve been wondering when you’d be able to get your hands on any of FitJoy’s six protein bar flavors. A launch has finally been confirmed, roughly two months after the supplement was initially unveiled. The release date has actually come from one of FitJoy’s biggest stockists, GNC. We already knew the retailer was listing the bars on its website, now however it’s added to those listings with an approximate arrival date.

FitJoy’s protein bars are all expected to be available in exactly three days time on Friday. GNC currently has the date, the 22nd of July listed, which is for when stock is estimated to arrive. While that may of course change if FitJoy or GNC come across any unforeseen issues, you can also now pre-order from the retailer for immediate shipping whether it’s on time, early, or late. GNC’s price on the bars is $29.99 a box for Gold Card members, or just $2 more at $31.99 for everyone else.

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