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Kodiak unveils its candy flavored carnitine formula CarniShred


The still very new supplement company Kodiak Nutrition recently teased two new products in a mostly shadowed out image. All we really got from it was that one of the two upcoming releases is a capsule supplement and the other a powder. The latter has now actually been unveiled, introducing the fat burning formula Kodiak CarniShred.

While Kodiak has unveiled CarniShred today, it hasn’t revealed much else, including its all-important facts panel. Despite only really getting a preview of the product, we do have a handful of useful details. Firstly, as you might have guessed by its name, CarniShred is a carnitine powered fat burner promising thermogenesis, increased metabolism, and cellular energy. The supplement is also going to be Candy Series flavored, meaning it will have candy inspired options much like Kodiak’s BCAA Ammo and pre-workout Attack.

Fortunately, we aren’t going to be waiting long before Kodiak CarniShred becomes available, as the brand is going to be moving fairly quickly after today’s unveiling. CarniShred is in fact, going to be launched in just two days time on Friday. Kodiak is also apparently releasing the other fat burner it teased last month, which is going to be revealed between now and then.

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