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Kodiak teases a mystery 2lb product for release in 10 days time


The almost three month old supplement company Kodiak Nutrition has just confirmed that it has yet another entirely new product ready for release. The brand has actually been moving at a surprisingly quick pace since it arrived, introducing a total of four new supplements after dropping its first two back in July. Kodiak’s next release is still a bit of a mystery, although the brand has dropped some clues on what it might be.

Kodiak’s confirmation of another product has come alongside the teaser image you can see above, as well as the somewhat revealing words “throw your knife & fork away”. Based on that one line, we get the sense that the supplement is going to be some kind of meal or food formula. That idea is also supported when you look at the size of the brand’s blacked out, mystery product, as it does appear to be packed in a traditional 2lb tub typically used for larger formulas.

Fortunately we aren’t going to be waiting too long for more information on this one as Kodiak has confirmed a launch date that’s not very far away. The brand’s next supplement is in fact going to be dropped in exactly 10 days time on Friday the 7th of October, with a good chance of more details being revealed before then.

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