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Grenade officially unveils its limited edition Banana Armour Carb Killa

banana armour carb killa

Last week it was confirmed that Grenade would be introducing an all-new Carb Killa flavor today, that would also be its very first fruity protein bar effort. The innovative brand has followed through on its promise and certainly not disappointed. The new flavor officially unveiled by Grenade today is called Banana Armour Carb Killa.

If you couldn’t guess by its name, the Banana Armour Carb Killa is a banana based flavor featuring a bit of chocolate and caramel. Grenade has actually released an official description saying Banana Armour is a “delicious banana flavoured centre with a gooey caramel layer all coated in milk chocolate”. As previously mentioned this is the brand’s first fruit flavored Carb Killa so it will be interesting to see how it turns out, although based on all of its other efforts there is a good chance it won’t disappoint.

The one last thing we have to touch on is that Grenade is promoting Banana Armour Carb Killa as a limited edition release. We can only assume that means it’ll be like most limited edition releases and only be available for a very limited time. Basically if you want to give it a go, or do give it a go and want to stock up on it, make sure you grab as many as you can when it launches in the UK later this month.

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