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Kodiak Flavor Challenge finalists, get your votes in for the next Attack

kodiak attack

A couple of weeks ago we started the Kodiak Flavor Challenge, where we took suggestions from readers for what they think the next flavor of Kodiak’s top rated pre-workout should be. We’ve since gone over all of the entries and as promised picked our five finalists for everyone to vote on.

The five flavors we’ve picked are Swolley Rancher suggested by Steve Knurick, Sour Gummy Bears from Louis Venanzi, Sky Rocket from Lee Matthews, a Lifesavers inspired recipe from Chris Stillwell, and Georgia Peach from Phil Jones. To have your say on what the next flavor will be visit our Kodiak Flavor Challenge page.

Anyone can vote in the Kodiak Flavor Challenge final, and you can do it once a day from today through until the polls close this Sunday. For those that didn’t know, the creator of the most voted flavor will win a years supply of Attack in that very flavor. Basically get voting, and if you are one of the people listed, get sharing.

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