Core Extreme recently confirmed that it was working on a protein powder of some sort, simply being referred to as Core Extreme Whey Protein. The still relatively small brand has just dropped some more information on that upcoming supplement, going over what it’s all about and what kind of formula it features.
Basically Core Extreme’s first ever protein competitor is going to be a fairly typical blend of whey concentrate and whey isolate protein. Where the product does get a little bit different is with its label, as it is as promised a transparent formula telling you exactly how much protein you get from each of its protein sources.
Per serving Core Extreme Whey Protein packs 24g of protein with 6g of that coming from whey isolate and the other 18g from whey concentrate. Then you have 2g of carbohydrates, all of that being sugar, just a gram of saturated fat, and a relatively low calorie count of 113.
We’re still short details about when Core Extreme plans on launching its first ever protein powder, although at least now we know exactly what we’re in for.