VPX Sports has finally introduced its long awaited Redline spin-off this weekend at the Arnold Expo. The supplement we’re talking about is of course Redline Black Diamond, an energy RTD that was originally unveiled quite a few months ago back at the end of last year.
Now that Redline Black Diamond has been officially introduced we can now finally confirm what’s actually in the product. The spin-off RTD is broken down into three blends, with glycerin listed by itself at 8g per bottle.
The first blend in Redline Black Diamond is a small electrolyte blend of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium citrate. Next is Black Diamond’s amino complex featuring a heavy 7g of BCAAs at an uncommon 2:2:1 ratio, 4.4g of regular l-citrulline, and 250mg of Super Creatine creatine leucine peptide.

The last little blend on Redline Black Diamond’s label is where the supplement gets all of its energy from. The final piece of the puzzle is a 337mg mix of caffeine dosed at 300mg, n-acetyl-l-tyrosine, yohimbe, n-methyl tyramine, and evodiamine.
With Redline Black Diamond now officially unveiled and introduced to VPX’s fans, you can probably expect to see it in stores soon in at least three flavors with Blue Razz, Sour Heads, and Black Cherry Vanilla.