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Lenny & Larry’s re-releases its Coconut Chocolate Chip Complete Cookie

Coconut Chocolate Chip Complete Cookie

Today Lenny & Larry’s has brought back a previous release, that over the past few months has not been available. The returning product is the two-part recipe, Coconut Chocolate Chip, for the brand’s well-known protein-infused Complete Cookie.

If you want to be one of the first to get your hands on the re-release, there is currently just one place you can get it. For now, the Coconut Chocolate Chip Complete Cookie is only available through Lenny & Larry’s website at the usual price of $24.99 for a box of 12.

It is also worth noting that Lenny & Larry’s is saying that the cookie is “not available at retail (yet)!!” That more than suggests the Coconut Chocolate Chip Complete Cookie should be hitting stores at some point, so if you don’t want to buy direct, you can wait.