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Maker of Bang Energy files a trademark lawsuit against Monster Energy

monster bang energy lawsuit

Last year the beverage company Monster Energy filed a lawsuit against VPX Sports, the maker of the popular sports performance drink, Bang Energy. The suit consisted of a few different complaints regarding false advertising, trade libel, and unfair competition.

This week, VPX Sports has filed a lawsuit with the U.S. District for the Southern District of Florida against Monster Energy and the Reign Beverage Company who is behind the new Reign Total Body Fuel drink. The brand’s legal action involves trademark and trade dress infringement.

VPX Sports’ suit claims the Reign beverage is a “knockoff brand” and that it was launched “to shamelessly copy and cause consumer confusion with VPX’s popular BANG® brand of energy drinks.” VPX is seeking monetary damages as well as injunctive relief.

You can read VPX Sports’ lawsuit in full at this link here.

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