Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve had previews and formula reveals of BSN’s first two all-new supplements in quite some time with NO Xplode Vaso and AminoX EAAs. The former is the legacy brand’s latest entry into the now extremely competitive world of pre-workouts, and the latter is a spin-off of BSN’s original AminoX featuring all nine EAAs to support recovery.
Previously we didn’t know when any of the products would be available, although this week we have the answer, as they have both since launched through BSN’s official online store. If you head over to gobsn.com, you’ll find NO Xplode Vaso in stock in five different flavors and two separate sizes with a 24 serving tub at $39.99 and a twice-as-large 48 serving tub at $69.99.
As for BSN’s full spectrum EAA, AminoX EAAs, through its website that’ll cost you $29.99 for a tub of 25 servings, also with five flavors to choose from, and there is a bigger size packing 60 servings for the slightly more cost-effective amount of $59.99.