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Ugly drops its version of Ginger Ale as its limited edition flavor for September

Ugly Ginger Ale Sparkling Water

With another month comes another limited-edition flavor of the beverage brand Ugly’s signature product, the no sugar and zero calories Sparkling Water. The creative company has been doing this every month like clockwork since its first limited-time taste, with the last few months bringing the likes of Butterscotch, Strawberry Cream Soda, and Watermelon Smash.

For the month of September, Ugly has put together its version of a classic carbonated soft drink in Ginger Ale, still featuring, of course, Sparkling Water’s usual highlights of all-natural, no sugar, and zero calories. Email subscribers can grab the newest Flavor Of The Month entry from the Ugly online store with their insider code, with availability for everyone else coming later this week.

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