While Pharmafreak is currently in the middle of the rollout of its long-awaited and multi-benefit Red Label series of supplements, it has shown it is already hard at work on the next evolution of the brand. The Red Label line debuted recently with the launch of a Red Label version of Creatine Freak and soon to be joined by Mental Freak as well as several other previously previewed supplements, including Supersonic Freak.
When we say Pharmafreak is already hard at work on its next project, we mean the legacy brand has shared a sneak peek of another entirely new product outside of its Red Label series. All we have is the image above revealing a supplement named Jacked Freak, which, as mentioned, Pharmafreak currently has in the works with no details on what’s in it or what it’s designed to do, although the name does suggest muscle building.
The product in the preview is clearly in a capsule bottle, and from what we can see, it does look like its facts panel has about six lines, so we’re seemingly in for a capsule muscle builder powered by six compounds. Again, that picture doesn’t give us a whole lot of information, really nothing except for the name Jacked Freak; however, that’s enough to let fans know the excitement won’t end with PharmaFreak’s Red Label line.