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Skinny Food Co gives fans more protein alternatives in wraps and bread thins

Skinny Food Co High Protein Wraps

It was only a couple of days ago we posted about two new products from The Skinny Food Co that see the creative functional brand put healthy twists on familiar foods in Penne and Tagliatelle pasta. Those are both low-carbohydrate and low-calorie versions of the traditional items with only four calories a serving, although before those come to market, Skinny Food has snuck out two other food products.

To go alongside its Low Carb High Protein Bread, The Skinny Food Co has introduced two new similar items in High Protein Wraps and Low Carb High Protein Bread Thins. The brand’s High Protein Wraps are indeed higher in protein with 7.2g in a 40g wrap, 16g of carbohydrates with just 1.2g of sugar, and 3.5g of fat, for a total of 128 calories.

As for The Skinny Food Co’s Low Carb High Protein Bread Thins, the macros are similar to its original Low Carb High Protein Bread with a solid 12g of protein in a serving, 4.6g of carbohydrates, another light amount of sugar at 1.1g, 4.8g of fat, and 110 calories. Again, the nutrition is in the same realm as the brand’s Low Carb High Protein Bread, although the Thins are true to their name and are slightly thinner.

Both of The Skinny Food Co’s new functional foods are available starting this week through its online store with the High Protein Wraps at £2.99 (3.93 USD) for a pack of eight wraps, with the Low Carb High Protein Bread Thins being the same £2.99 for a pack of four thins.