God’s Rage in Germany, which is still building up to the debut of its premium, special edition pre-workouts Valhalla Fenrir Edition and Valhalla Pump Edition, has released an all-new creatine, although it’s nowhere near as complex as those pre-workouts. The brand previously released a supplement named Odin Strength Creatine, a bulk, 500g tub of high-quality, unflavored Creapure branded creatine monohydrate.
God’s Rage has just dropped Thor Strength Creatine — fittingly Thor being the son of Odin in Norse Mythology — which is essentially the same product with one notable difference. Like Odin Strength Creatine, Thor Strength Creatine is a bulk, 500g tub of unflavored powder, but of tried and true, regular creatine monohydrate, not the Creapure version.
Interestingly, the God’s Rage retailer Gigas Nutrition is selling Thor Strength Creatine for the same price as Odin Strength Creatine at €21.17 (22.08 USD), again for the same 500g of muscle-building creatine monohydrate, which works out to 100 servings at a full 5g in each.