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HTLT continues its flavor extension excitement with another option for its flagship pre

Htlt Pre Workout Sour Rainbow Candy

Greg Doucette’s ever-growing brand HTLT does a lot of everything, although one of the things we see it do slightly more than anything else is release new flavors. Over the last couple of months alone, the brand announced three new flavors of the CICOBar, added a bunch of flavors to its Pre-Pump pre-workout, dropped a second option for Perilyte, and tripled the size of the menu for Vegan Protein.

This week the flavor extension excitement continues at HTLT, as it has revealed and released another option, this time going to its other pre-workout, separate from Pre-Pump, in the simply named HTLT Pre-Workout 2.0. The brand has put together a sour-sounding, candy-themed Sour Rainbow Candy for Pre-Workout 2.0’s Itch Edition, which is the version with a full dose of performance-powering beta-alanine.

As mentioned, HTLT has both revealed and released its Sour Rainbow Candy HTLT Pre-Workout 2.0 this week, and it is available now straight from its online store at $49.99 for a tub of 30 regular or 20 maximum servings.

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