Champion bodybuilder Blessing Awodibu, also known as The Boogieman, has announced his newest sponsorship, and it is with none other than the legendary sports nutrition giant Muscletech. The signing comes fresh off of the release of the brand’s pre-workout EurphoriQ and fat burner Burn iQ, both featuring the caffeine-alternative Enfinity paraxanthine, which is exclusive to Muscletech and its supplements.
The partnership between Muscletech and Blessing Awodibu is a strong one, with the two coming together for more than the typical athlete and ambassador roles. The science-driven brand has said it would be coming out with exclusive flavors of various supplements later down the road, where Blessing is involved in the creation process, which will be great to see with his always fun and entertaining personality.
Muscletech is lining up several appearances for Blessing Awodibu around the world, as well as major North American events, including the likes of the Mr. Olympia Expo and Arnold Sports Festival. It has been a long time since Muscletech had a star bodybuilder on its roster, and it is making some noise with the signing of Blessing, who will be on the stage in a few weeks’ time at Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas.