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Plant-powered VOW Bar revealed, sampled and released at the Arnold Expo in the UK

Vow Nutrition Vow Protein Bar

Local UK brand VOW Nutrition has brought a fresh new protein snack to this year’s Arnold Sports Festival in Birmingham, England, separate from its already available and relatively alternative bite-sized offerings, Protein Rocks and Protein Clusters. The simply named VOW Bar is a much more traditional on-the-go protein option, tipping the scales at 48g a piece, with a candy bar-style format, featuring a doughy main body, crispy and crunchy pieces across the top, and all wrapped in delicious chocolate.

The nutrition profile on VOW Nutrition’s Arnold Sports Festival debuted VOW Bar starts with 16g of protein, and that is plant-based protein, 9 to 10g of fat, 16g of carbohydrates with half a gram or less of that sugar, and 179 to 185 calories. There are three flavors to choose from for the protein bar right out of the gate, all of them we tried, and all are reasonably enjoyable with good taste and texture in a classic Cookies & Cream, a smooth Peanut Crunch, and a sweet and salty Salted Caramel.

VOW Nutrition has the all-new VOW Bar available at the UK edition of the Arnold Sports Festival, in all three of those flavors, and we imagine following their debut, everyone not in Birmingham this week will be able to get it through the brand’s website and retailers sometime very soon.

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