The creative crew at the functional food company Go Fitness has pumped out a fresh new protein-packed snack, and instead of being a large single-piece item like a traditional bar, cookie, or the brand’s delicious waffles, it is a chip-type offering. Protein Puffs is the innovation Go Fitness has put out into the market in Europe, a classic puff-style product similar to the many other high-protein puff competitors in the US, providing a solid amount of protein in some intriguing, non-classic flavors.
Go Fitness Protein Puffs have a substantial 50g of puffs per bag, combining for 16g of protein per bag, with an equal 16g of carbohydrates, absolutely none of that sugar, a third of that in fat at 5g, and ending on a respectable calorie count of 140. The product is not as lean as some of the efforts here in the US, like Quest Nutrition, iWon Organics, and FitCrunch Protein Puffs, but respectable, lean, and nutritious regardless, and again, there are some intriguing tastes to choose from at a total of three.
Protein Puffs from Go Fitness does have a traditional flavor on its menu in Texas Barbecue, then outside of that, you get some much more interesting options in Veggie Mix and the sweet and spicy Hot Fuego Chili Lime. The product is already rolling out to the market across Europe and beyond, as the functional food specialist has expanded well beyond its borders, both within Europe and all across the world.