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Bio-Gro looking to break the bank, iSatori only have themselves to blame

iSatori's game changer Bio-Gro

Unfortunately we are in an industry where unless you kiss the brand’s ass you’re not going to get information, samples, or even a reply. Looking from the perspective of a company, most think they’re right and everyone else is wrong. But obviously not everyone can be right, so there are always going to be supplements and brands that are wrong. Whether or not we said something to disrupt iSatori, or maybe they didn’t like how honest we were when we said their latest product The Muscle System, wasn’t going to be the savior they were promoting. Coincidentally, the revolutionary supplement Bio-Gro, is in fact yet another formula joining the list of game changing disappointments.

Of course we haven’t tried the product, iSatori and their partnered Europa weren’t even up to the task to talk. Compared to a number of other brand’s who are more than willing to contact us despite the criticism we lay down. Either way, Bio-Gro, the self proclaimed industry defining supplement, has been put into beta-testing and has had an official image dropped. Apparently the driving force behind it is Bio-Pro, a protein synthesis amplifier using bio-active peptides. While Bio-Gro may be a top of the line well researched formula, we’ve seen too many game changers, and too many people talking things up to even consider this worthy of the revolutionary phrase. In fact never before has a supplement claiming to make a difference, actually made one.

There are a number of things wrong with this picture. One, iSatori have talked Bio-Gro up way too much, and as expected it is not even close to the level of industry altering fame as creatine. Compared to what has been said it is going to disappoint, you don’t need to use the product to figure that one out. Two, the form of the supplement is an unflavored powder, and also a protein additive. With presumably 60 servings per a 90g tub, it tells you that 1.5g added to your post-workout shake is going to change your life. Like no one hasn’t heard that before. Whether it does or not, it is riding off the wind of a protein powder which is always going to beg the question, is it the protein or Bio-Gro. Number three is something that runs off of number two, and that is cost. If this is as amazing as iSatori say it is, they are going to give it a price they think it deserves. Expect this to sit around the $40+ mark, and since there is always money to be made. Do not be surprised when iSatori release a Bio-Protein or something similar to really capitalize on the audience they have cheekily captured.

iSatori definitely didn’t need to talk their product up as much as they did. They are now a corner that they have backed themselves into. Left alone and self promoted by results, game changers always find success. It seems that the more brands talk the less likely their formula will deliver. Wind the clocks back a bit and you may recall another supplement making similar claims that to this day has yet to surface as a revolutionary. MHP’s Myo-X, a breakthrough formula yes, but not one that has their competition running to formulate something with Myo-T12. iSatori have done a great job with promotion which should see Bio-Gro break big on release. However thanks to the overhyped adverts and the backing of a brand that is in no way a game changer. The protein additive is likely to fade rather quickly after it’s release.

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