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Diet Cookie designed to help those with sugar cravings, PhD Nutrition’s new creative chocolate orange protein snack

PhD Nutrition's new high protein Diet Cookie

One of the UK’s more well known supplement companies have released a new on the go protein solution, that is a little bit different from your average premixed beverage or bar. PhD Nutrition’s latest innovation is titled Diet Cookie, and is as it’s title describes, a healthy high protein solution. The product is a 50g cookie carrying 21.5g of protein, 16.25g of carbohydrates (4g sugar), 6.1g of fat (2.25g saturated), and 209 calories. PhD have also added a few extra ingredients in average doses to help fuel those purchasing Diet Cookie for weight loss purposes, with 500mg of CLA, 500mg of flaxseed oil, 250mg of l-carnitine, and 10mg of green tea extract. While it does appear that PhD Nutrition have put a lot of effort into it’s contents. The body sculpt supplement is also being promoted as a great tasting protein snack with it’s one flavor, chocolate orange chocolate chip. If Diet Cookie does sound like something of interest, you can check out PhD’s full description as well as purchase the product through the brand’s official website, or at stockists soon.

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