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Stack3d @ the 2013 Olympia Expo, iSatori rebrand their supplements to suit Bio-Gro

Stack3d at the Olympia with iSatori rebranding

Initially iSatori’s unique and over marketed supplement Bio-Gro stood out with a lot more than just it’s formula and point of difference. It was actually the first product from the company that used the red striped packaging theme, that kind of help identify the supplement. As it turns out, here at the Olympia Expo iSatori have shown that the previously exclusive label design was not created just for Bio-Gro, with rebranded versions of 3-XL, H-Blocker, Restoraid, MX-LS7, PWR, and Isatest. No doubt the unflavored protein synthesis amplifier is iSatori’s number one focus at the moment, and at the Expo. But it is still good to see efforts going into their other products.

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