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Orange TRIad + Greens formulated honestly, Controlled Labs launch through Muscle HQ

Controlled Labs launch Orange TRIad + Greens through Muscle HQ

Early last week Controlled Labs dropped word on the supplement combination they simply titled Orange TRIad + Greens. For those fans of the brand, the product’s intentions were pretty obvious with the formula basically putting two and two together. Squeezing the power of OxiMega Greens and the multi-vitamin Orange TRIad, into a orange flavored powder. At the time of it’s first mention we were unsure as to whether or not the new supplement was a simple fusion of the two products involved, or each one was watered down for the partnership. Which as it turns out Controlled have done the honest thing, and held on to all the original doses and ingredients with only two minuscule differences. Those two being alternate counts of stevia with 280mg instead of 15, and turmeric rhizome at 18mg as opposed to 25. To help with the launch of Orange TRIad + Greens, the brand have allocated a number of tubs to the daily deal specialists Muscle HQ. Who have the new Controlled Labs supplement online today for just $25 a piece, and shipping costs at $5 for 1, $7 for 2, or free for the maximum of three bottles.

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