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Summary of the live coverage from the 2014 FileX, Cellucor tops the weekend with three new proteins

Summary of live posts from Australia's 2014 FileX

In total our live coverage of Australia’s 2014 FileX saw 16 posts go online. Not as much as we would have liked, but enough to get the important details out. Some of the highlights from the weekend include the 20% bonus bottle of Muscle Pharm’s Assault available down under. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Iron Dream yet to be reformulated for the area, the arrival of Muscletech’s more athlete based brand EPIQ, a modified Physique Enhancing Science Alphamine, and the teasing of Gaspari Nutrition’s SuperPump 3.0. We also had some posts that were breaking news outside of Australia with Neon Sport confirming the coming of a protein powder and fat burner, Giant Sport’s mass protein Muscle Maker, and Cellucor’s three new Cor-Performance proteins. Our next live event is set to be the Olympia Expo in Vegas, with hopes to add the Arnold Classic next year.

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