While we still may be three days out from May 1st, a Metabolic Nutrition retailer has shown up with the brand’s updated Synedrex as in stock. The place listing the supplement as available is none other than Tiger Fitness, who have it valued the same as Natural Body Inc’s pre-order price of $44.99. On top of the early release, the reformulated fat burner’s facts panel has surfaced confirming a relatively trimmed down version of the original. Basically Metabolic have kept on board everything, and swapped the controversial 1,3 dimethylamylamine. As well as green tea, β-methylphenethylamine, Simmondsin and synephrine, for the currently trending methylpentane citrate, or more commonly known as AMP citrate. We have uploaded the product’s label below for a complete look at it’s formula. However if you would like to see it in your hands, Tiger Fitness will be where you want to go.