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Follow up to the hit pre-workout Nitramine, preview of Myokem’s upcoming Pyroxamine

Preview of Myokem's upcoming weight loss supplement Pyroxamine

While we were only just recently introduced to Myokem through their pre-workout supplement Nitramine. A formula that landed in our top five after proving itself in our review. An image has surfaced of what is expected to be the brand’s next effort, set to join the weight loss category. The name of the product is Pyroxamine, keeping at least half it’s title consistent with Nitramine, and is being promoted as a high performance fat burner. It lists highlights such as long lasting energy, appetite suppression, mental focus and accelerated weight loss. Usually when we rattle off a collection of effects like that, we expect the supplement making the promises to deliver on about half of them. On this occasion however, seeing as the supplement is coming from Myokem. We have every reason to believe that the product is going perform just as Nitramine did, with Pyroxamine coming through on all counts.

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