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Reformulated Abyss Unparalleled Nimbus Nutrition’s next release

Reformulated Abyss Nimbus Nutrition's next supplement release

Nimbus Nutrition, the high quality brand that make the effort to offer more than your average competitor with their supplements, have confirmed the coming of their next product. Abyss Unparalleled, the brand’s sleep aid formula and our first taste of Nimbus, is going to be reformulated. The brand have said that they’ve reworked the supplement to offer one of the things we were actually looking for when we tried Abyss, a stronger knockout effect. For those of you who are fans of the current version Nimbus are saying not to worry, as they are going to be carrying over the same multi-effect experience you’ve all come to rely on. There is no word on just when the updated Abyss will be making it’s way out, however we have been told the brand will be following it up with two more entirely new products. From what we know both supplements are going to see Nimbus enter categories they’re not currently in, each one expected to be as exciting as the other. For more information on what the three upcoming products actually are, be sure to keep a close eye here as it does look like it’s going to be a busy next few months for Nimbus.

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