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Scitec Nutrition unveil another pre-workout sequel with Hot Blood 3.0

Scitec Nutrition unveil another pre-workout sequel with Hot Blood 3.0

Whether or it’s peak time for Scitec Nutrition right now, it’s almost every second day that the European brand release details of another new supplement. The latest from Scitec sees them follow up their pre-workout sequel Big Bang 3.0 with another pre-workout sequel, Hot Blood 3.0. Just like Big Bang, the long standing product has had it’s formula updated although with slightly less changes. Scitec have mostly done swaps of forms of ingredients seeing regular ornithine and arginine traded for their HCl versions, carnitine for carnitine l-tartrate, and creatine phosphate for MicronTec micronized creatine monohydrate. Outside of the four form switches Hot Blood 3.0’s only other edit is the addition of AAKG and citrulline dl-malate. While Scitec have made a total of six changes, similar to the jump from the original to Hot Blood 2.0 we can’t imagine the experience being too different. For a complete look at the formula and the areas Scitec have not modified, check out the brand’s Hot Blood page which has now been updated with all of 3.0’s information.

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