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More than just DAA, maca and Testofen in Scitec Nutrition’s new Macatron

More than just DAA, maca and Testofen in Scitec Nutrition's new Macatron

Following on from our sneak peek at Scitec Nutrition’s upcoming Macatron earlier this morning, the brand have actually gone ahead and released the supplement. Originally all we had to go off was the product’s box, which is correct at 108 capsules with an overall weight of 90.1g. Where we went wrong was assuming Macatron’s three promoted ingredients DAA, maca and Testofen fenugreek was all Scitec would be using in the muscle builder. The brand are in fact marketing the supplement with the highlight of those three and ten other features. While that number does include vitamins and minerals, there are a few more important ingredients in the formula. On top 6mg of zinc, 3.6mg boron and 100mg of quercetin dihydrate, there is just the one main proprietary in Macatron that does indeed list DAA, maca and Testofen. The blend also features nettle extract, avena sativa, mangosteen and saw palmetto extract. The overall weight of the lonely proprietary is unfortunately 2.4g spread across four capsules, so definitely not enough for that common 3g dose of DAA we were hoping for. Like with all big Scitec reveals, the brand have now launched Macatron, which should put it in stores within in the next few weeks.

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