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Website now reflects the beauty of Performix’s well presented supplements

Website now reflects the beauty of Performix's well presented supplements

The Performix range of supplements is becoming more and more complete as the months go by with the latest addition to the line being the amino cocktail ISO 9:2:2. The brand are now competing in a total of four categories, and this week have updated their website to reflect their new level of competitiveness. There wasn’t much wrong with the previous version as the products made sure everything looked good, even on the individual pages where text was displayed through an image. The upgraded site now gives Performix a whole new presence combining modern animation, a much smoother layout, and a design equal to that of the well presented supplements. The transition from old to new unlike with Gear’s backwards countdown, was almost unnoticeable with from what we could see zero downtime. In combination with the sneaky update, Performix have also added everything you need to know about the upcoming ISO 9:2:2, even links to its page on GNC where it is on backorder but you can get a look at its price. Feel free to check out all the brand’s hard work for yourself at, and presumably more developments from the up and coming company as the year goes on.

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