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Muscle Pharm put the nail in the coffin with their Jym like stack

Muscle Pharm Hardcore Series Stack

If you thought Muscle Pharm were done following in the footsteps of Jim Stoppani’s Jym Supplement Series at, the brand have now done one more thing that’ll make the Jym Army that extra bit annoyed. First it was the pre-workout Wreckage that proved to be more than 70% similar to Stoppani’s Pre Jym, then Gainz astonishingly over 95% like Post Jym, and finally in the weekend just been we saw Muscle Pharm’s Hardcore prices only cents cheaper than Jym’s. Today to really put the nail in the coffin the Athlete’s Company have done exactly as Stoppani did last year in November, launching a stack made up of their pre-workout, post-workout and protein powder. It is here where we knew Muscle Pharm were going to do some damage as you rarely see Jym products discounted, justifiably pushing the idea of quality formulas not coming cheap. When you compare the Hardcore Series stack against Jym’s you’ll see a difference of more than $20, although it is worth mentioning that Jym’s has the branded dextrose in their as well. Another thing worth pointing at is that despite how alike the Hardcore Series is to the Jym line, do understand that it is not like that the other way around. For example while Gainz is more than 95% the same as Post Jym, Stoppani’s scoop is almost 40% heavier thanks to all the extra things thrown in the top rated post-workout to further its effects. Unfortunately no matter which way you look at it Muscle Pharm do appear to be taking Jim Stoppani head on, not just by offering similar supplements at almost identical prices, but by also competing alongside Jym in every area possible.