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Epic Unleashed released revealing Olympus Lab’s BA solution

epic unleashed

Olympus Labs recently said their two new epicatechin supplements Epic Unleashed and Epic Unleashed Transdermal would be going on sale soon, and now they have. The release of the products that the brand claim “alleviate the bioavailability issues of epicatechin” have brought with them everything you need to know about their formulas and what makes them different. While we would usually direct you to Olympus Lab’s own website since it is the brand behind the supplements. To see all the new information on Epic Unleashed and Epic Unleashed Transdermal it is the store who are launching the products that you need to visit. NutraPlanet is of course the place to go where both the Olympus Labs supplements have been listed for the same price, with the exact same formulas and descriptions. It is in that lengthy description where you can read all about the brand’s PhytoFUSE delivery system, their answer to the poor bioavailability of Epic Unleashed’s main ingredient. You can also see in there some testimonials from Olympus fans going over their real world experiences with the products. While we were told both Epic Unleashed options weren’t going to go on sale until midnight tonight at NutraPlanet it seems they are already available. The price on the two is $49.99 each, however that may change later tonight or tomorrow if NutraPlanet have yet to load in a promotion if there is one lined up.

Update: As expected Olympus Labs Epic Unleasheds have overnight dropped in price down to $42.99 each.

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