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Protected Creatine featuring just creatine anhydrous

protected creatine

Despite a lot of the focus around Scitec Nutrition being on their new line the Head Crusher Series, there was another supplement we got a sneak peek at a couple of weeks back. Protected Creatine is the formula we are referring to that was originally unveiled at the Salon Mondial Body Fitness Expo. We didn’t really get too much information on the product aside from the fact that it was obviously going to be some kind of creatine supplement. The only real detail that we got from the photograph of Scitec’s Protected Creatine was that the formula would feature the purest form of creatine available. Today we have the official facts panel of the product and can tell you that it does in fact feature a pure form of creatine, although that is it. Packed into each five capsule serving of Protected Creatine is 3.1g of creatine anhydrous which Scitec further detail saying 3.038g is pure creatine. While it doesn’t offer too much more insight we have added the supplement’s facts panel down below for those interested in a closer look. If you’d also like to read Scitec’s sales pitch for Protected Creatine the brand have added the product to their website, where you can find out why Scitec went with creatine anhydrous for their 18th creatine formula.

Scitec Protected Creatine facts panel

protected creatine facts panel

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