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Gifted Whey joins Ultimate Mass Gainer at T-Nutrition

gifted whey

Following on from the in depth look at one of the latest supplements from Gifted Nutrition, Ultimate Mass Gainer. Another new product from the Phil Heath brand has shown up simply titled Gifted Whey Protein. The formula is as you guessed it a 100% whey protein powder listing all the usual macros on its label. Packed into each serving of Gifted Whey is 25g of whey protein concentrate, 4g of carbohydrates (1g fiber, 2g sugar), 2.5g of fat (1.5g saturated) with a total of 140 calories. Just like Ultimate Mass Gainer, Gifted Whey is available in two sizes 2 and 5lbs, both with the same flavors as the gainer in chocolate and vanilla. While you can see more of the new supplement below in its official facts panel, we also now have availability details for both Gifted Whey and Ultimate Mass Gainer. It seems the main reason the brand have not added either of the new proteins to their website or even said anything about the two is because by the looks of things they are exclusive. The gainer and 100% whey concentrate are actually now on sale at the UK store T-Nutrition. Whether or not that is the way things will remain we don’t really know, either way if you’re a Gifted fan within reach of T-Nutrition both Ultimate Mass Gainer and Gifted Whey are in stock and available for purchase.

Gifted Nutrition 100% Whey Protein label

gifted whey

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