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American Metabolix confirm the coming of a Peak ATP pre-workout

american metabolix

The past two days have been more than exciting for American Muscle fans, or people who are now technically called American Metabolix fans. If you missed the announcement the brand officially changed their name from American Muscle to American Metabolix, confirmed an entire rebrand, then yesterday revealed an American Metabolix Energy Drink. Today we have even more to add to the story as the brand have leaked clues on another new supplement.

Due to join the American Metabolix Energy Drink is a pre-workout formula that we unfortunately only have a few details on. The information is that the brand’s pre-workout will feature Peak ATP, most known for its use by Muscletech in products like the SX-7 supplement #Shatter and the upcoming muscle builder Plasma Muscle. The American Metabolix pre-workout will also feature a few stimulants, none of which have been named yet.

As interesting as a Peak ATP pre-workout will be you do have to wonder if it will be replacing any of the American Muscle originals. With Havok and Warpath already in the pre-workout category and American Metabolix even previewing the pair in the new branding. It definitely looks like fans will soon have three pre-workouts to choose from.

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