Yesterday iSatori uploaded a teaser image of a box supplement nicknamed the “King of Strength”. Nothing outside of a few words were released, although it was enough for us to get an idea on what kind of product we think the brand might have put together. Our two guesses were a testosterone booster or creatine formula, with the latter sounding like the most likely due to iSatori launching Isa-Test DA3 not too long ago. While today hasn’t brought too much more information, we’ve now got enough to confirm the supplement’s category.
As it turns out we were spot on about the mystery iSatori product being a creatine, or at least a formula featuring creatine. We have been able to confirm that the brand’s upcoming capsule supplement will have 1.5g of creatine HCl per serving. We’ve also been told that there will be other ingredients in the mix including half a gram of agmatine sulfate. iSatori have said more details are due to be dropped later this week, which could mean everything or just a few of the mystery supplement’s features.