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JetFuel Pyro gets Superburn and T-300 look but keeps its formula

jetfuel pyro

As well as revealing and releasing a whole lot of new supplements including Carbotein, JetFuel Powder, and the reformulated JetFuel’s T-300 and Superburn. GAT has also been slowly sneaking in a slightly different look to their products. When Carbotein was introduced it wasn’t too noticeable, however when images of the JetFuels dropped and even the preview of what looks to be another GAT pre-workout surfaced, a slightly cleaner look was starting to show.

The updated capsule JetFuels show off the all new branding better than any of the others featuring a single color theme and much more spacious layout of information. That design has now been added to another GAT fat burner in JetFuel Pyro, although unlike Superburn and T-300 it doesn’t look like the brand have changed its formula. The regular JetFuel has also been spotted with the 2015 branding, leaving just the stimulant free supplements JetFuel Accelerator and AQX left to get the update.

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