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Cookies & Cream Carb Killa launched at £1.46 a bar

carb killa

Grenade recently revealed their new Carb Killa flavor, introducing Cookies & Cream to the previously lonely Caramel Chaos. Just as the brand promised their latest edible effort has been released quite quickly, going on sale only a week after it was revealed. What makes the quick release even better is that Grenade has put together a pretty impressive deal for those interested in trying Cookies & Cream, or even Carb Killa in general.

Like most new supplements, Cookies & Cream Carb Killa has been launched direct through the brand’s own website. While usually this makes things a bit expensive, as mentioned Grenade has put together a solid introductory deal. If you’ve ever shopped through the brand’s official store you’ll know the price on a box of 12 Carb Killas is £29.88, a price that also applies to Cookies & Cream. Where things get a whole lot better is if you decide you’re okay with spending an extra £5 you can two boxes of Carb Killas, 12 Caramel Chaos and 12 of the new Cookies & Cream.

The almost buy one get one free Carb Killa offer is exclusive to Grenade’s website and is only available through the UK and Europe stores.

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