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Testify Pro reformulated and moving to an 8 capsule serving

testify pro

When Olympus Labs launched its powerhouse testosterone booster Testify Pro, it was only on a limited edition basis. Basically the brand only did a small run of the supplement for an insider launch, which those that missed out will know went very quick. Whether or not it’s due to the huge success of the product, Olympus Labs is bringing Testify Pro back but with a handful of changes.

Firstly, moving forward the supplement isn’t going to be a flavored formula. The brand has decided to switch it to capsules as you can see in our first look at the product above. Being a supplement with a lot of ingredients the move does of course mean fans will be throwing back quite a few capsules. Each serving is in fact going to be packed into a massive eight capsules, with Testify Pro keeping its same amount of servings per bottle at 30.

Outside of the form change there is just one other detail we can confirm, which is that the capsule Testify Pro is going to be a slightly reformulated version. Olympus hasn’t mentioned anything about what it’s changed, but has said the product’s keeping its heavy hitting ingredients with a total of four patented features. While we obviously don’t know a lot just yet, everything about the new Testify Pro is going to be posted before the supplement is launched early next month.

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