Optimum Nutrition has just launched what initially appears to be a new fat burner in Europe called Thermo-Cuts. The reason we say it only appears to be new is because fans of the brand may recognize the supplement. Thermo-Cuts is in fact a product Optimum discontinued a while ago, but has now brought back with the same formula and a different look.
Firstly when we say the same formula, we do really mean that. From what we can see at a few of the stores already listing the supplement, Optimum has held on to the same 2.97g blend of weight loss ingredients. The list still includes the likes of garcinia cambogia, caffeine, green tea, CLA and carnitine.
The only real difference formula wise with the 2016 Thermo-Cuts and the older classically themed version, is that the brand has cut down its amount of servings. Instead of having 50, four capsules servings, Optimum has switched to 25. It has also put together a trial size that goes all the way down to 10, four capsule servings which will last you only three days on its maximum of three servings a day.
As mentioned some European stores like Tropicana Fitness are already listing the repackaged Thermo-Cuts, however it doesn’t appear to be in stock anywhere just yet. The listing of the product does give us prices though with Tropicana setting the 100 capsule at £18.49 and the 40 a lot less cost-effective at £10.49.