As big of a year as Olympus Labs is already having, things about to get even more interesting based on its latest announcement. The top rated brand has said that it was thinking about creating an RTD version of its top five pre-workout Re1gn, but it is now looking a bit beyong that.
Instead of an on-the-go Re1gn, Olympus Labs is considering creating an RTD supplement that focuses more on the energy and mental side of things, similar to the brand’s focus formula Elixir. Taste is also said to be a big priority for the Olympus Labs RTD regardless of the direction it ends up going in.
By the sounds of things, at the very least Olympus Labs is working on some sort of RTD that will be flavored very well. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see as to where it all goes, but the concept does sound interesting especially since very few supplement companies are in the RTD market.