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NTel Nutra and Pitbull Labs collaborating for the ultimate supplement

ntel nutra pitbull labs

Over the years we’ve seen a lot of different products from a lot of different supplement companies, some repetitive and some industry first creations. It is the latter that we don’t see all that much, in fact, it has been quite some time since we’ve seen something truly surprising.

Today we actually have the most interesting announcement we’ve received in a very long time. It is an industry first product that is unlike any other industry first we’ve ever written about. It’s not a first to market ingredient or unique flavor; it is a genuine never before seen supplement.

The news involves two up and coming brands, the bright and colorful Pitbull Labs and the powerhouse behind the Arez pre-workouts, NTel Nutra. The two companies have decided to collaborate on the first officially dual-branded supplement.

Both Pitbull Labs and NTel Nutra are keeping everything relatively quiet at the moment, only saying that the product they’re working on will have a variety of benefits. With NTel being so well known for its pre-workouts we wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what we’re in for, although for now, we’re only guessing.