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Curry Mango Style joins Callowfit’s extensive family of low-calorie sauces

callowfit curry mango style sauce

It was only a couple of weeks ago we had the European functional brand Callowfit in the headlines regarding its convenient expansion of all of its delicious, low-calorie sauces. Much like The Skinny Food Co, the creative company took its 14 different sauces, including the dessert-themed flavors, and repackaged them into single-serving sachets for fans to enjoy wherever they go.

Callowfit is back this week with news of another expansion, although this time, it has an addition to its already lengthy list of flavors. The brand has put together the all-new sauce, Curry Mango Style, described as a familiar curry sauce with a touch of mango, as its name suggests. Like all of Callowfit’s other flavors, Curry Mango Style is low calorie with just 13 calories in a 30ml serving.

The all-new Curry Mango Style sauce is available now directly through Callowfit’s official online store. You can grab it individually at €5.10 for a 300ml bottle, €4.90 each when buying half a dozen, or you can get it in the brand’s recently released sachets at €32.25 for a box of 90.

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