The Epic Dad Co., more simply known as TEDCO, has expressed interest in expanding beyond its currently one and only supplement with the comprehensive, all-in-one style pre-workout Pre. The idea behind the product is to bring together ingredients you might purchase separately outside of your typical pre-workout. That is why TEDCO Pre, which was reformulated to V2 earlier this year, has common pre-workout components alongside a full dose of strength-driving creatine and 6g of recovery-supporting BCAAs.
As we approach the New Year, TEDCO has come out and announced that anticipated evolution with its second-ever supplement in the protein powder Paleo Post. It is quite an interesting approach to the space as it’s not your typical whey or dairy-based effort. TEDCO Paleo Post is a bone broth-powered product, still fitting with the purpose of this sort of supplement, where you get a reliable source of high-protein with minimal numbers filling out the rest of the nutrition profile, including low to moderate carbohydrates and fat.
TEDCO Paleo Post will be launching in the very near future, somewhere early in the New Year, through its official online store at theepicdad.com. It’ll have 30 complete servings per tub, and with each of those servings weighing in at about 27g, you can count on getting a good amount of protein, sitting above the 20g mark. There will be a limited amount to start, so fans of the brand will want to get in quickly when it goes live, and on the flavor side, there will be just the one taste to choose from to start in a classic Chocolatta.