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More than just Pyroxamine on the way, Myokem confirm Alphadex and Magnitropin

Myokem confirm two more supplements on the way Alphadex and Magnitropin

While it was only yesterday that Myokem released the formula behind their upcoming weight loss supplement Pyroxamine. The brand have now confirmed the coming a couple more products. Currently there is no word on when the supplements will arrive, however Myokem have revealed their titles and intended categories. In total there are two products on the way, the anti-estrogen formula Alphadex, and the natural anabolic Magnitropin. The limited information available doesn’t exactly say too much, although as mentioned when we introduced Pyroxamine. The performance of Myokem’s one and only supplement on the market right now Nitramine, gives us no reason to doubt the ability of the brand’s future formulations. That statement definitely applies to both Alphadex and Magnitropin, as if Myokem deliver even half the results offered by their pre-workout. The two muscle building products will have no trouble furthering the relatively new brand’s reputation.

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