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MTS Testosterone booster released as promised, Lobliner’s 7th Barracuda gets another freebie

MTS Nutrition testosterone booster Barracuda now available

Last week Marc Lobliner revealed his seventh MTS Nutrition supplement the testosterone booster Barracuda. He followed up the announcement with a detailed look at the product’s formula, and now as promised has launched the supplement.

Loyal Militia followers and those interested can now purchase Barracuda from the place that had it on pre-order for the past four days, Tiger Fitness. The price you’ll be looking at is the same as it was for pre-sale at $34.99. Although to get even more interest going, Lobliner’s store is also throwing in something else free on top of the Fat Loss Factor 12 Week Program, with a MTS ‘Nothing Works Unless You Do’ shaker.

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