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Olympus Testify confirmed with LJ100 insider release

olympus testify

Yesterday we posted about Olympus Labs latest release, the individual ingredient longjack formula LJ100. The supplement is not only the latest from the brand but it is also their first demigod group launched product. While Olympus Labs’ $24.99 insider offer is still running on LJ100, there is something else that came out of the release. On the new supplement’s page beside the description of LJ100 you’ll see its facts panel. It is there the brand give directions on how to use the product and what Olympus Labs items it can be stacked with. Three supplements are suggested to be used with LJ100, Arimacare Pro, Super PCT and Testify. Some may not notice anything odd about that list, fans of the brand however will know Olympus Testify (Test1fy) is not a current product. It is in fact an upcoming formula presumably designed as some kind of muscle builder since it’s suggested to be stacked with the new LJ100. At this point we don’t of course know anything else about Olympus Testify outside of its name and likely category, although based on its stacking suggestion there is a good chance it’s coming soon.

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