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Olympus Labs revamping its supercharged PCT K1ngs Blood for 2018

k1ngs blood

Olympus Labs has announced that it is revamping one of its older supplements, the supercharged PCT, K1ngs Blood. The product has been around for almost two years after being released back in the second half of 2016, and now for 2018 it is being improved.

So far Olympus Labs hasn’t shared any specific details for its new K1ngs Blood, only that it has the same goals, been rebranded, and is better than the original. The one semi-specific detail we can confirm is that its serving size has remained at a hefty ten capsules, giving it a lot of room for a lot of ingredients.

The launch of Olympus Labs’ revamped PCT is said to be roughly one month away, although we will be sharing its details leading up to that release to keep things interesting. Until then fans do have the brand’s new fat burning muscle builder K1ngs Slayer to enjoy that just dropped this week.

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