Core ZZZ is the long-running sleep supplement from Core Nutritionals, who is making a huge amount of industry noise here in the first few months of 2020. The brand has now revealed that Core ZZZ is going to be updated with its fresh new look for the new decade, with the product also getting a change to its fully transparent formula.
That change is going to involve one ingredient from the previous version of the sleep supporting Core ZZZ where the brand is dropping its one gram of phenibut. In typical Core Nutritionals style, it is not just removing an ingredient; it is replacing phenibut with another common nighttime compound in 5-HTP with no dose revealed just yet.
While the new Core ZZZ is in the works and on the way, Core Nutritionals does have a mountain of other releases before we get close to the reformulated sleep supplement. For those that haven’t been keeping up, Core Intra is dropping this week at the Arnold followed by the new Core Pro, more Core ABC flavors, then the all-new Core Greens.