We did something we had never done before but certainly contemplated doing for many years, for our Brand Of The Year Awards in 2024, and that was name one nominee for Newcomer Of The Year. It was Infinis Nutrition that was the lonely nomination for the annual award, and rightfully so, as no other new brand in the industry came even close to the frequency, consistency, and level of formulations it pumped out. We’ll even go as far as saying we’ve never seen someone go as deep as Infinis did in its first year.
Due to Infinis Nutrition being the only nominee for International Brand Of The Year, we are now officially announcing the supplement company as the winner of the award. Like our other categories, we look for brands that push the innovation as far as possible, get as diverse as possible, hit different categories across the industry, and stay consistent throughout the year. Infinis did that in spades as anyone who follows Stack3d will know, very reminiscent of the discontinued Glaxon and the hugely successful Redcon1.

Infinis Nutrition really took things a step further compared to those two companies, Glaxon and Redcon1, pushing the limit of what we’ve come to expect inside products for categories like protein powder, organ health, intra-workout, and anti-aging. No matter the area of sports nutrition the brand takes on, it stacks its competitor to the brim, or at least within the budget of being able to charge a price tag of 50 to $60.
The list of highlights from Infinis Nutrition in 2024 is endless, but we’ve got a few we couldn’t officially announce the Newcomer Of The Year without mentioning. There was the powerhouse protein powder backed by superior colostrum, the recovery beast ReGenx, a robust sleep aid, the anabolic pair of Test Booster and Muscle Builder, and the destressing Calm. You also had the hugely innovative Energy, an energizing formula without caffeine, and a genuinely packed-out hydration supplement with untouchable value.

To say Infinis Nutrition deserved the Newcomer Of The Year Award for 2024 is an understatement, which is the driving factor behind us nominating only one company this year for the subcategory award. While the one-year-old brand did more than most in its first year in business, from what we know, it is not slowing down anytime soon. As also previously confirmed, Infinis will be out in full force at the Arnold Sports Festival in the Stack3d Pavilion, spreading even more awareness on its line.